Share Partner
A few to guide the many

Image & Video Submission
As a Share Partner, you will have the unique ability to submit exercise Images & Video to be included in the dataset for any exercise. We know how important exercise videos are for people new to the gym or even people looking to try some new exercises, so ensuring consistency with who is performing an exercise in each video is incredibly important.
Simple setup
If you are accepted on to the Share Partner team, the setup is easy. First, download Azurite Fitness Share on Google Play and register your account. If you have already created an Azurite Fitness account, simply login with those credentials. Then, tap on your user photo on the Home dashboard, tap "Share Partner" and enter the code you will receive by email into the text box and press activate. That is it, we will take care of the rest.

More is yet to come
Our First Steps
The Share Partner Program is only just getting started. Our current focus is ensuring that the information we provide to every user is accurate and clear, with safe exercises shown in every video. We will be adding more opportunities to Share Partner as we move forward with Azurite Fitness.

Come Partner with Us
We are looking for a small number of dedicated, knowledgeable individuals who can provide on a voluntary basis, high quality, accurate exercise images and videos for exercises across our database. Want to be a part of the journey of the many? Get in touch and let's start talking!